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Oxford ELLT opens its Beijing test center
簡(jiǎn)介The Oxford English Language Level Test Beijing test center[Photo provided to China Daily] The Oxfor ...

The Oxford English Language Level Test announced its opening of a Beijing test center in mid-January.
It represents a milestone achievement in the development of the Chinese market, said the Oxford International Education Group in a statement.
It demonstrates the determination and goals of the education group to provide Chinese students with the high-quality educational resources and assessment services, said Tom Dawtrey, head of Language Services with the Oxford International Digital Institute, affiliated with the education group.
The language test can replace the IELTS or equivalent language tests, providing proof of English proficiency for students to enter overseas universities.
The test has now been recognized by more than 90 universities across the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada, with the latest addition of universities from Australia, Dawtrey said.
"Through the Oxford ELLT test, students have a better chance of achieving their desired English proficiency to meet university admission requirements," Dawtrey said.
At the same time, online test is available for the Chinese students.
Yang Qing, head of the test operations in China, said Oxford ELLT can offer flexible and friendly test environment for Chinese students.
"Candidates can choose Oxford ELLT Digital, which is not restricted by geographical limitations and thus more convenient, or opt for the global test centers for certification based on their own situations," Yang explained.
The test also enables educational institutions to track student registrations, monitor exam progress, and verify the authenticity of their scores.
"This is highly beneficial for institutions as they can promptly engage with students upon receiving test results and assist them in smoothly progressing to the next stage of their studies," Yang said.
Duan Luya, managing director for China of Oxford International Education Group, said the Oxford ELLT test service will provide Chinese students with a broader platform and opportunities for development.
Duan said they have noticed more Chinese students have opted for study abroad or engaged in international exchange programs, which account for continuous growth in English language tests in the country.
"The Chinese government has actively promoted the internationalization of education, encouraging domestic institutions to establish cooperative relationships with foreign institutions and participate in international exchange programs, which has created a favorable policy environment for the promotion and application of international English language testing in the Chinese market," Duan said.
"Additionally, the rapid development of the Chinese economy has led to an upgrading of educational demands," she said.
To make more Chinese students aware of the Oxford ELLT, Duan said the education group will develop more products and services tailored to the Chinese market.
"This includes introducing specialized training courses and services for Chinese students," she said.
"Additionally, we will continue to collaborate closely with education institutions in China to jointly promote the internationalization of education."
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