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Chinese political academy begins spring semester
簡(jiǎn)介BEIJING -- The Central Institute of Socialism, a political academy for non-communist parties and peo ...
BEIJING -- The Central Institute of Socialism, a political academy for non-communist parties and people without party affiliation, held its spring semester opening ceremony on Friday.
Speaking at the ceremony, Hao Mingjin, president of the CIS, called on the students to uphold, develop and improve China's new model of political party system.
He also stressed efforts to concentrate on advancing Chinese modernization, enhance confidence in the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, build broad consensus and contribute wisdom and strength to transform China into a strong country while achieving national rejuvenation.
About 400 students attended the event.
First founded in 1956, the CIS is a political academy for non-communist parties and people without party affiliation. It also offers Chinese cultural education to people from ethnic and religious circles, new social groups, as well as the private sector.
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