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New campaign aims to reduce non
簡(jiǎn)介[Photo/IC] The education authority in China has launched a campaign to reduce non-teaching burdens ...

The education authority in China has launched a campaign to reduce non-teaching burdens of primary and secondary teachers, according to a notice released by the education ministry on Wednesday.
The rectification will concentrate on activities and work unrelated to education and teaching entering schools, as well as formalism of social affairs in schools which lacks practical effectiveness, the notice said.
The approval and reporting system for social affairs entering schools should be established to create a better teaching environment, strictly controlling the total number and duration of social events on campus.
Schools are urged to investigate the situation of social affairs entering schools and establish admission standards. The effectiveness of the campaign should be measured by the satisfaction of teachers and students, the notice said.
The regulation of social affairs entering schools is an important task to reduce grassroots burdens by combating formalism in the education system, it added.
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