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China allocates funds for disaster relief work
簡(jiǎn)介BEIJING - Chinese ministries of finance and emergency management have allocated 260 million yuan ($3 ...
BEIJING - Chinese ministries of finance and emergency management have allocated 260 million yuan ($36.62 million) to support local governments in disaster relief efforts.
The funds will be distributed to Jiangsu, Shandong, Henan, Chongqing, Sichuan and Shaanxi for emergency response work, such as search, rescue, transfer and resettlement of people affected by disasters, guarding against hidden dangers and secondary disasters, and repairing damaged houses, the Ministry of Finance said Saturday.
Torrential rain has triggered flash flooding, landslides and mudflows in many parts of China, disrupting traffic and forcing people to evacuate.
In China, during the peak flood season from late July to early August, heavy rainfall and typhoons cause water levels to rise, posing a significant threat to communities along rivers, near lakes and on coastlines.
According to forecasts, all seven major river basins in China could experience flooding during the period. Additionally, it is also likely to see typhoons move north into inland regions, accompanied by an increased frequency of intense and extreme weather events.
A highway bridge collapse triggered by torrential rains in Northwest China's Shaanxi province on Friday evening has killed 12 people and left 31 missing. In Southwestern Sichuan province, more than 30 people remained missing after flash floods struck a village in Ya'an city at around 2:30 am Saturday, local authorities said Saturday.
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