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Shanghai kicks off training program for science teachers
簡(jiǎn)介A training program targeting science teachers kicks off on Thursday at Shanghai University. [Photo p ...

A training program targeting science teachers kicked off on Thursday at Shanghai University, a move aiming to enhance international cooperation in the science education and promote the city's primary science education.
Co-hosted by the Shanghai Institute of Education in Science, Technology and Innovation and Shanghai Educational center of Science and Art, the program spans half a year and consists of various parts including lectures, study visits, curriculum design, research and assessment.
As Shanghai strives to build itself into a scientific and technological innovation center with global influence, Shanghai University is actively promoting the sharing of quality educational resources from universities to basic education, said Wang Congchun, vice president of Shanghai University.
Sohail Shaikh, deputy trade commissioner at the British embassy in China, highlighted the importance of international cooperation in science education at the launching ceremony.
"Shanghai has been at the forefront of educational cooperation between the UK and China, and it is hoped that through this teacher training, teachers from both countries will benefit from the exchange of knowledge and practices in science education," said Shaikh, who expected that the training can help deepen understanding and to further promote the quality of science education on both sides.
A total of 102 trainees from the city's 16 districts attended the program, according to Guan Shaofeng, operation director of Shanghai Institute of Education in Science.
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