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China's maritime achievements in numbers
簡(jiǎn)介Editor's Note:July 11 marks China's 20th National Maritime Day. Here are some figures to show the ra ...
Editor's Note:July 11 marks China's 20th National Maritime Day. Here are some figures to show the rapid development of the country's maritime industry.

Xi instructs Xiamen Airlines to play active role in cross
知識BEIJING --? President Xi Jinping has instructed Xiamen Airlines to play an active role in serving ec ...
閱讀更多貴金屬市場(chǎng)短期調整 中長(cháng)期上行趨勢看好
知識● 本報記者 趙中昊上周最后一個(gè)交易日6月7日),國際貴金屬期貨大幅收跌,wind數據顯示,COMEX黃金期貨收跌3.34%報2311.1美元/盎司,當周累計跌1.48%;COMEX白銀期貨收跌6.6 ...
閱讀更多外資加速布局 跨國企業(yè)向中國中部發(fā)展投出“信心票”
知識5月31日至6月2日,第十三屆中國中部投資貿易博覽會(huì )在湖南長(cháng)沙舉行,吸引200多家跨國企業(yè)參會(huì ),4場(chǎng)重大活動(dòng)、20余場(chǎng)專(zhuān)題活動(dòng)場(chǎng)場(chǎng)爆滿(mǎn),展現出中部地區強大的吸引力,也釋放出中部崛起的澎湃動(dòng)能。本屆中部 ...
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- Beijing court sets up station in scenic spot to raise environmental awareness
- 高校專(zhuān)業(yè)調整透露哪些人才培養新動(dòng)向?
- 綠色化與智能化推動(dòng) 船舶行業(yè)駛入長(cháng)景氣周期
- Summer camp brings students from Beijing, Hong Kong and Macao together
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- 央行創(chuàng )設臨時(shí)隔夜正、逆回購操作 進(jìn)一步健全市場(chǎng)化利率調控機制
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- Chinese scientist wins this year's laureate prize
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- 前5個(gè)月我國對外非金融類(lèi)直接投資達602億美元 同比增長(cháng)16.3%
- Pioneering scientist Zhang Cunhao dies at 96
- Professor suspended over academic fraud allegations