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Ministry of Water Resources on high alert as China enters critical flood period
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The Ministry of Water Resources has pledged a series of proactive measures as China approaches a critical annual period for flood management.
The country has faced a challenging water management situation this year, marked by extreme droughts and floods occurring simultaneously, Wang Baoen, vice-minister of water resources, said at a news conference on Sunday. These disasters have been more severe and prolonged than usual, he noted.
Since the rainy season began on April 1, approximately 20 floods have struck major rivers across the country, including the Pearl, Yangtze, and Huaihe rivers, Wang said. Meanwhile, severe drought has affected North China and the region between the Yellow and Huaihe rivers.
Forecasts indicate that the concurrence of extreme droughts and floods will continue into the second half of July and the first half of August, a period historically prone to flooding in China, Wang warned. He added that even more frequent and intense torrential rains are expected to hit broader areas in the coming 30 days, creating a complicated and grim flood control situation.
To address these challenges, the ministry will implement several preparatory measures aimed at preventing casualties, reservoir dam collapses, breaches of key embankments, and damage to critical infrastructure. Starting Tuesday, all ministry staff will be required to remain on duty, with leading officials presiding over consultations for all emerging torrential rain processes and major floods.
The ministry will also intensify monitoring, forecasting, and early warning systems, providing guidance to local governments on flood control efforts. Additionally, coordination will be enhanced to optimize the role of reservoirs in flood mitigation through concerted water storage efforts.
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