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China sees 13.42m students register for 2024 gaokao
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BEIJING -- A total of 13.42 million students have registered for China's 2024 national college entrance examination, known as the gaokao, the Ministry of Education announced Friday.
This marks an increase of 510,000 students from last year.
The ministry noted that coordinated efforts have been made to ensure the smooth organization of the exams and comprehensive services for candidates.
Local authorities have bolstered support services, providing candidates with assistance in areas such as transportation, accommodation, medical care, and noise control during the examination period.
Special provisions are also in place for students with disabilities and other special needs, according to authorities. These include the creation of Braille exam papers for 15 visually impaired candidates across 11 provincial-level regions, and the provision of support for over 11,000 candidates with disabilities.
The annual national college entrance exam, set to take place in early June this year, is regarded as one of the most important exams for Chinese students.
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