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Chinese universities hold job fairs for graduates
簡(jiǎn)介Jobseekers attend a job fair in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, on April 20, 2024. [Photo/VCG] BEIJING - ...

BEIJING -- China's Ministry of Education is working with higher education institutions across the country to facilitate employment for college students graduating in 2024.
The ministry launched a weeklong campaign on Monday. During the campaign, higher education institutions across the country will host a plethora of activities such as job fairs under the ministry's guidance. Their aim is to provide students with greater opportunities to land satisfying jobs.
The ministry said that during the campaign, 175 on-campus job fairs, featuring nearly 17,000 enterprises, are expected to be held across the country.
A job fair co-organized by the ministry and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will be held on Tuesday at Beijing Jiaotong University. A total of 122 employers from different fields including information technology, finance, manufacturing, and construction, will attend the fair.
According to an estimation made by the ministry last December, the year 2024 will see 11.79 million students graduating from colleges, marking an increase of 210,000 from 2023.
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