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China pledges cleaner cyberspace for minors during summer vacation
簡(jiǎn)介BEIJING -- The Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) has issued a circular to launch a two-month ...
BEIJING -- The Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) has issued a circular to launch a two-month nationwide campaign to clean up the cyberspace environment for minors during the summer vacation.
The campaign will focus on addressing prominent problems in areas such as short video and live-streaming platforms, where content involving violence, bloodshed, bullying, or child abuse could have detrimental effects on minors.
Social media and e-commerce platforms will also be targeted, as they may distribute inappropriate content involving illegal websites, vulgar language and pornography to minors, the CAC said.
Other key areas include application stores, smart devices designed for children, and the "minor mode" of smart phone applications.
Local cyberspace administrations should closely monitor new features and emerging issues related to minors in cyberspace, and take a firm stance against any violations of rules, according to a CAC official.
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