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Panda triplets celebrate tenth birthday with park party


簡(jiǎn)介The famous panda triplets at Chimelong Safari Park in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, celebrate their ...

The famous panda triplets at Chimelong Safari Park in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, celebrate their tenth birthday with treats. [Photo by Zheng Erqi/chinadaily.com.cn]

The world's only giant panda triplets, Mengmeng, Shuaishuai and Kuku, celebrated their tenth birthday on Monday with a celebration at the Chimelong Safari Park in Guangzhou, Guangdong province.

The triplets were born to the giant panda Juxiao at the park on July 29, 2014. They have since grown into adulthood under the care of the conservation team. Mengmeng, the eldest, gave birth to a female panda cub in June this year.

The park has bred 11 cubs in eight pregnancies, earning Chimelong the nickname "Panda Blessed Land".

The triplets earned two Guinness World Records titles to celebrate their tenth birthday. They are officially the "World's First Successfully Bred Giant Panda Triplets" and the "Longest-Lived Giant Panda Triplets".

During the celebration, the triplets were presented with a specially made birthday cake, and visitors sang the birthday song.

According to the conservation team, the birthday cake was made with honey water, fruit chunks, bamboo shoots, carrots and bamboo, which the pandas love.

Zhang Ningxin contributed to this story.



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