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Beijing aims high in nurturing young minds
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Beijing aims to lead youth around the world in technological innovation and development by ramping up efforts to foster innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as enhancing international scientific and technological collaboration, according to a new report released on Sunday.
The 2024 Global Youth Science and Technology Innovation Development Report suggests that more attention is needed to meet the basic living, leisure and relaxation needs of young talent, so as to enhance competence and creative innovation in the Chinese capital.
The report was unveiled at the Beijing International Youth Innovation and Development Forum, held in parallel with the 2024 Zhongguancun Forum.
Led by Zhai Kun, associate dean of the Institute of Area Studies at Peking University and lead author for the report, it illustrates the technological innovation development of youth with rich data, detailed case studies and cutting-edge theories.
The report focuses on the advantages, roles and specific practices of youth by promoting sustainable innovation and accelerating the development of new quality productive forces, Zhai said.
Young people are the backbone of technological innovation, and artificial intelligence is leading the global trend of technological innovation, the report said.
China has been supporting young talent by playing significant roles in technological innovation. Young people have become the main force in the development of core technologies in China.
For instance, the average age of the design and development team for the Fuxing high-speed train is 38 years old, while that of Chinese aerospace engineering teams is younger than 35, the report said.
The report also delves into how Beijing is constructing an international science and technology innovation center by gathering talent, supporting entrepreneurship, and connecting talent domestically and internationally.
Beijing's Haidian district boasts the most concentrated intellectual resources in the country, with a talent pool of nearly 2 million people, accounting for over one-fourth of the capital's total.
Among the working-age population, 76.8 percent have received higher education, surpassing the citywide average by 20 percentage points and is on par with Silicon Valley in the United States, the report said.
Beijing is expected to fully leverage its advantages in educational technology and talent, focusing on nurturing young talent and promoting technological innovation.
Higher education institutes and think tanks need to enhance the training of young talent in key areas such as ChatGPT, genomics, 4D printing and nanotechnology, the report said.
Increasing efforts should be made to discover and support high-potential talent through initiatives like starting talent training as early as possible and increasing the proportion of youth-led research projects with funding, so as to provide long-term support for outstanding young scientific talent.
Joint funds are expected to bridge the gap between enterprises and researchers from universities and research institutes, providing a platform for young scientists to exchange ideas and effectively collaborate.
Universities and enterprises are encouraged to deepen their participation in international scientific and technological cooperation by establishing laboratories and research institutions abroad.
Research institutes in Beijing should continue to collaborate with international counterparts to apply for joint funds and carry out research in areas such as artificial intelligence, 6G and advanced manufacturing, the report added.
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