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China to launch anti
簡(jiǎn)介A show is held in Shijingshan district of Beijing to make minors aware of school bullying and other ...

BEIJING -- A nationwide anti-bullying campaign will be launched in China, among wider efforts to ensure the safety of students across primary, middle schools and kindergartens, according to authorities.
A comprehensive investigation focusing on bullying cases will be conducted in all primary and middle schools, according to a joint meeting of the education and public security ministries, as well as fire and rescue administration. The meeting stressed the significance of educating teachers, students and parents on the rule of law, alongside efforts to improve the accountability system.
The meeting also highlighted the need to improve mental health monitoring among students, calling for solid action to alleviate the excessive burden of homework and off-campus tutoring on students in compulsory education.
Efforts will be made to improve security measures, particularly in rural and boarding schools, with actions taken to ensure the safety of school buildings, fire prevention and food safety, according to the meeting.
It added that a special drowning prevention campaign will also be launched, with a focus on the management of water areas and providing swimming lessons, as well as training for self-rescue and mutual rescue.
China willing to deepen high
綜合Chinese Vice-President Han Zheng meets with IOC President Thomas Bach in Paris, France on July 27, 2 ...
綜合人力資源社會(huì )保障部發(fā)布的最新數據顯示:當前全國電子社??I(lǐng)用人數超10億,電子社??ㄒ验_(kāi)通全國服務(wù)100項、屬地服務(wù)1000余項、服務(wù)渠道432個(gè),累計服務(wù)超500億人次。社會(huì )保障卡包括實(shí)體卡和電子卡 ...
綜合國家發(fā)展改革委網(wǎng)站6月13日消息,6月12日,國家發(fā)展改革委組織召開(kāi)推動(dòng)大規模設備更新和消費品以舊換新部際聯(lián)席會(huì )議全體會(huì )議。會(huì )議強調,推動(dòng)大規模設備更新和消費品以舊換新,是黨中央、國務(wù)院著(zhù)眼于我國高質(zhì) ...
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